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Broken Bones and Fractures

If you suffered a broken bone in an accident, you may not be able to sleep, walk, work or enjoy your favorite pastimes. Most bones eventually heal, but meanwhile you are in pain and your life is on hold. And what if you do not heal quickly or heal fully?

At Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C., we help accident victims get full value for their hardships and losses from fractured or broken bones. Our deliberate approach has resulted in favorable settlements and verdicts for orthopedic injuries, including cases of serious and catastrophic harm.

Our personal injury law firm serves the injured in Oakland, the San Francisco Bay Area, Northern California, and statewide. Call us at 415-835-6777 for a free consultation.

We Have Handled Cases Involving A Variety Of Bone Injuries

A broken finger or even a broken arm typically heals in a matter of weeks, without much aftermath. However, you may need the services of our experienced California trial lawyers if you have broken a major bone, broken multiple bones, or suffered complications. We are equipped for serious injuries such as:

  • Skull fracture
  • Broken vertebrae or shoulder blade
  • Broken pelvis
  • Broken leg, foot or ankle
  • Broken hand or elbow
  • Cracked ribs or sternum
  • Broken nose or facial bones
  • Compound fractures or shattered bones
  • Crush injuries or partial amputations
  • Infection or improperly healed bones

Bracamontes & Vlasak has handled broken bones from car accidents, slip-and-falls, construction accidents, and all manner of personal injury accidents. We take action to preserve evidence and establish fault, often with the aid of professional investigators.

Compensation For The Long Term

We typically file suit early in the case, but we do not settle cases before the extent of recovery is known. Compensation must cover any lasting or permanent disability, any necessary surgery and rehab, and any complications of the healing process. If your broken bone hampers your ability to work, you deserve to be compensated for lost income and future earning capacity. Lastly, you are entitled to damages for your pain and suffering resulting from your preventable injuries.

We work to ensure our clients get proper medical care, and we work with those doctors and other professionals to understand the full impact of your injuries. We provide a free initial consultation, and we work on a contingency basis — no recovery, no attorney fees. Call toll-free at 415-835-6777 or contact us online.

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