How to Report Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect in California
If your loved one was injured in a San Francisco nursing home, it is imperative you take immediate action to protect their health, well-being and legal rights. Unfortunately, nursing home injuries remain a serious problem in California. In many cases, vulnerable patients suffer injuries or develop medical conditions because of abuse or neglect at facilities.
Nursing home injuries should always be investigated. In the state of California, family members and other interested parties have the right to file complaints related to injuries, abuse, neglect, mistreatment and unsafe conditions. Here, we explain how to report suspected nursing home abuse or neglect in San Francisco.
Four Steps to Reporting Nursing Home Injuries in California:
- 1. Emergency Medical Needs Always Come First
As a starting point, emergency medical needs must be attended to without delay. If your elderly or vulnerable loved one is dealing with a serious injury or medical condition, be ready to call 911 to seek emergency help.
- 2. Talk to Your Loved One’s Primary Care Doctor
Consult with your loved one’s primary care physician. If they have a specific doctor who treats them on a regular basis, make sure they are aware your loved one suffered a nursing home injury.
- The only exception is if their primary care doctor is an employee or associate of the assisted living facility in which the injury occurred. In this circumstance, it is crucial you get them independent medical support.
- 3. File a Complaint with the California Department of Public Health (DPH)
Initial complaints should be filed with the California Department of Public Health (DPH). Under California law (California Health & Safety Code §1420(a)(1), within 48 hours of your initial report, DPH should notify you an investigator has been assigned to handle your case.
Depending on the circumstances of the case, you might also want to submit your complaint to other authorities like the Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud & Elder Abuse (BMFEA) for additional investigation into allegations of serious abuse or neglect
- 4. Speak to a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney
If your loved one suffered a serious injury in a California nursing home, you need professional legal representation. An experienced lawyer will be able to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your claim and help you pursue legal action to get justice and the maximum available financial compensation. As important as it is to report nursing home injuries to state regulators, only an attorney will be able to help you and your family get full financial support.
Discuss Your Case with a San Francisco, CA Nursing Home Injury Lawyer Today
Nursing home abuse reporting has increased with COVID. At Bracamontes & Vlasak, our California nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys are committed to protecting the safety, rights, and interests of our clients and their loved ones. To schedule a free initial consultation, please call us today at (415) 835-6777 or contact our law firm. With a law office in San Francisco, we handle nursing home injury claims throughout the Bay Area, including in Alameda, Oakland, Mountain View, and Palo Alto.