Premises liability claim follows death in staircase collapse
When a 26-year-old California man went to visit a friend in an apartment complex in July, the staircase collapsed while he was on his way to the third floor. The man died after falling from a height of more than two stories. The surviving family of the deceased man recently filed a premises liability lawsuit, claiming wrongful death.
The property owners and the development company were named as defendants in the lawsuit. According to the complaint, the defendants were fully aware of the dangers that had already caused a previous collapse of stairs in 2014, but no repairs were allegedly done after that incident. The defendants are accused of non-compliance with building codes and recklessness in disregarding the dangerous conditions.
A tenant of the apartment complex at which the plaintiff’s loved one fell to his death reportedly stated that repairs had still not been done. He contended that, despite promises by the property managers to secure the staircases by shoring it up, repairs remain uncompleted to date. The family seeks permitted damages under California law for the financial and emotional damages sustained.
When a California resident suffers injuries in a stairway accident that resulted from improper construction or disrepair, he or she will be entitled to hold the property owner accountable for the financial consequences. When a premises liability claim is presented, the plaintiff will have to establish negligence and show that the defendant was aware of the dangerous conditions before the court will consider a monetary judgment. Some victims — or the loved ones of those who lost their lives — choose to retain the services of experienced premises liability attorneys to present the cases on their behalves. A lawyer can work on obtaining compensation for medical expenses, lost income, physical and emotional pain and suffering, and end-of-life expenses, when appropriate.
Source:, “Family of Folsom Apartment Stairwell Collapse Victim Files Lawsuit“, Nicole Comstock, Nov. 10, 2015