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Yearly Archives: 2014

What are your rights when it comes to premises liability?

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

Anytime a California resident enters a public place such as a store, apartment building or other public building, the owners and managers are required to take reasonable steps to ensure your safety. When those steps are not taken, someone could be injured. If you suffer an injury while on the property, you may be… Read More »

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New San Francisco Rent Ordinance Amendment Regulates Tenant Buyouts

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

The San Francisco Administrative Code (Rent Ordinance) has been amended by adding Section 37.9E to address tenant buyouts. The new section is designed to respond to the housing crisis in San Francisco and provide information to tenants concerning buyouts in their neighborhood, their right to legal counsel, and to require that landlords file buyout… Read More »

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Pedestrian accident in California kills small boy

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

Pedestrian accidents can often be severe enough, but when a child is killed, it can create massive amounts of emotional pain for the parents. If the accident is a hit-and-run, it can make the act of coming to terms with their loss even more difficult for the parents, as they are not able to… Read More »

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Study suggests marijuana may help prevent death from TBI

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

When people play sports, such as football and baseball, they typically wear helmets to protect them from brain injuries. However, there are some instances where California residents do not wear a helmet to protect themselves from injury. One such instance is when individuals are within an enclosed motor vehicle on a roadway. While a… Read More »

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Driver crashes into coffee shop in California pedestrian accident

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

Car accidents involving pedestrians are often, by their nature, severe. The pedestrians involved in these types of accidents can be left with serious injuries — or worse — since their size and lack of protection cannot compete with that of a vehicle. Unfortunately, a recent pedestrian accident in California injured multiple victims.

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California pedestrian accident injures 2

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

A car accident involving a pedestrian can leave the pedestrian with physical injuries, but if the driver leaves the scene of the accident, it can often cause emotional pain as well. This emotional pain can impact the victim’s daily life in a major way, and even hinder the individual’s ability to heal hir or… Read More »

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California pedestrian accident kills mother in front of child

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

Pedestrian accidents occur every day throughout the United States and often have varying injury severity. The small profile of pedestrians can make it difficult enough for most drivers to see them, but if a driver is intoxicated, it can be even more difficult to see pedestrians. Unfortunately, this can often lead to accidents that… Read More »

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Pedestrian accident in California kills 1 person

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

Car accidents that involve multiple vehicles can sometimes be serious enough to injure those involved, but if a pedestrian is involved, the severity of the accident can increase rapidly. The lack of protection that a pedestrian has, combined with the numerous cars involved, can often leave the pedestrian with serious or even fatal injuries…. Read More »

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Pedestrian accident in California may be caused by DUI

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

Although drinking alcohol in moderation is socially acceptable in certain environments, it is never acceptable or safe for an individual to drink alcohol and get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Impaired judgment can put both the driver’s and others’ lives at risk when an intoxicated person decides to drive, as that impaired judgment… Read More »

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Pedestrian accident in California kills 1

By Bracamontes & Vlasak, P.C. |

Pedestrian accidents are not uncommon on the various roads that wind through the United States, but the severity of these types of accidents can vary greatly. If the accident occurs at relatively low speeds, the injuries suffered may only be minor, however the severity of the accident can be increased rapidly if it takes… Read More »

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